Monthly Archives: May 2011

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I got in trouble at work for blogging, by that I mean that I got in deep doo doo for blogging at all . I do it on my own time and dime…on my own equipment.  I DO NOT DO IT ON MY WORK TIME OR COMPUTER AT ALL.  But still, someone ratted me out.  It’s happened before, which is why I left blogger.

I will never befriend another co-worker on FB anymore.  I plan on living as anonymous a life as I can online from now on, except for FB.

I can’t help but to write, I have a inner need for it. If I’m not in the middle of some literary project, I’m utterly lost, unhappy and distressed. As soon as I get started, I calm down. –Kaari Utrio

Yup.  I feel you, Kaari Utrio.

But it’s fiction writing that drives me, not the self inflection sort that I’m supposed to do on the blog.  It’s a pleasure to create characters that people not only relate to, but feel affection for.  I pull the inspiration from everyone that I run into, filter them through the colander of my own mind, sprinkle a few quirks, give them a fault or two…and voila!  A relatable character given life through words.

I’m thinking that I want to delve the world of horror.  I would love to come up with an idea, a monster so terrifying it makes people pee their pants in utter fear.  Now to come up with an innocous villain.