Daily Archives: July 3, 2008

Odds ‘n’ Ends

**I meant to respond to Dmarks’ comment earlier (the Declaration of Independance post): I think ‘the people’ should rise up through grass roots political action, not by means of an AK-47. Though there would be be a certain irony in sticking an AK-47 in the face of a staunch, NRA card carrying Republican. For the record, I would never condone such behavior–this is merely an observation.

Or fellow liberals such as myself can settle down and start outbreeding the neo-cons, thoughtlessly adding to the world that is already beginning to feel the strain of too many consumers.

**12-21-2012–the date of the Mayan prophesy of the world’s destruction and/or rebirth. (I hope.) It is also the date of my last care payment. Figures the ‘warranty’ on the Earth would expire right as I pay off my car loan…

**I get it that some people aren’t cool enough don’t like homosexuals and want to ‘save’ them. People are entitled to their religion. Just as gay people are entitled to be themselves. What I don’t understand is this:

“Hey you. Yeah, you disease ridden, pervert that should be killed….I’m here to tell you that your future home is in Hell! I care about you to demean and degrade you! I’m trying to save you from your folly. Hey…Why are you yelling at me to get lost?”

Using degrading words to convince someone they are in the wrong is the tactic of a naturally abusive person. Or a crazy individual. When I want to persuade someone, I usually don’t insult them. It’s counter productive.

It always amazes me that religious nutjobs (and they are proud to be called nutjobs, by the way) dish out words of intolerance…..that they know offend gays…..yet when gay people defend themselves—the zealots scream, “Hypocrites! They’re not tolerating us berating and attempting to humiliate them back into God’s good graces.”

What are gay people supposed to do? Just take that verbal, and yes it is, abuse? Hell to the n-o! I reckon this kind of behavior to those people who tease an animal—then complain when it bites them in the ass.

I’m not asking for everyone to embrace gay folk—really, it’s their loss—but just to live and let them live in peace.

Besides, there are more important issues for the Christian fanatics to address.The Church of Scientology for one. Tom Cruise is another issue. Seriously, he’s scary.  Anti-Christ, were I inclined to go for the Christian mythos, scary.  The Church is powerful. And it is rich.